Posted on March 02 2018
“Listen up everyone! Today we have a lot in store for you. First off, let’s do some stretching and then we’re gonna play a nice game of flag football!” If you’ve ever taken a walk through one of the parks in Northwest or Northeast Washington, D.C., you’ve probably seen Chris Hill leading a group exercise class.
The 30-year-old Howard University MBA student started health and fitness company RecFit, which aims to combine recreation and fitness. Hill’s team includes personal trainers, Zumba instructors and a boxing instructor, who all help others get and stay in shape. “We’re an active lifestyle group with innovative active lifestyle programming. We are mobile and our programs are unlimited. We have TRX, cardio, agility, and breathing exercises, as well as boxing, Zumba and boot camps.”
Right now, Hill is promoting his spring package, which includes a handful of workouts and exercises. For people looking to join RecFit, Hill provides them with a catalog, which explains what RecFit is about, its mission and what clients can expect to gain from the company. Hill said people don’t need a gym or equipment to meet their health and fitness goals. “What would we do if gyms didn’t exist? We should be using the environment and everything around us to benefit our health. A lot of people may not understand this, but the gym actually limits you.”
Hill welcomes clients of all ages, looking to help people of all fitness levels. They include clients who want to lose weight, gain muscle, tone and are in search of a social outlet.
Ben Ross is one of Hills clients and says the program is a must-try for everyone. “I enjoy every part of what RecFit is trying to do. Their model for getting people in shape is creative and will be widely accepted by others.”
To inspire his clients on a personal level, Hill tells them how he has struggled with his weight and overall health. In 2008 he experienced his largest weight gain, failing to realize that he had tipped the scale. “I didn’t see it, my friends didn’t say anything. I finally realized I put on weight after my sister pulled me aside and bluntly told me I was getting fat. I looked at a few pictures from that time and saw what she was talking about and that’s when then switch flipped.”
After his wake-up call, he turned his health around and dropped the pounds. Hill wants to be as active as he possibly can for as long as he possibly can. “I want to be active in my 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond. And not necessarily from weight lifting or in any set way, but from a holistic standpoint.”
In the end, Hill ultimately wants to use RecFit as a way to build a community around the ideology of having an active lifestyle. “There are a lot of people who don’t want to go to the gym because they are uncomfortable and don’t fit in. We want these people to still be active and help them find out what it means to be active. We may hold an event where our group goes on a bike ride. This activity may motivate one of our clients, who has gone a long time without riding a bike, to start riding his/her bike again.”