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Wellness Altogether

Posted on June 13 2018


Darius Godwin, owner of S.P.A.X. Sports Performance Training  is committed to helping everyone take on a life of health and fitness. Watch his fit story to hear how he's making an impact in his community and beyond.


  • Tiffany: June 14, 2018

    Love this video and love “Bear’s” reasons for pushing people to live healthier lives!

  • Wanda Hill: June 14, 2018

    Great job! Wish I was closer so I could attend some of your sessions. Keep it up!!

  • Florene Godwin ,: June 14, 2018

    Darius that is awesome keep the good work up

  • Amber Dunbar: June 13, 2018

    Awesome! Your drive is amazing keep pushing to help other while bettering yourself!

  • Cheryl Godwin: June 13, 2018

    This is awesome, Darius!

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