Posted on March 02 2018
“I do it because it makes me feel and look good.” Working out is important to Matt Geer’s overall goal of living a healthy lifestyle.
Geer said he has taken part in physical fitness for as long as he can remember, creating a healthy lifestyle for himself at an early age.
The 25-year-old young professional played football as a kid, has done cross fit and powerlifted; now he’s into strength and conditioning.
Throughout the week you’ll find Geer at the gym pulling two-a-days. “I will do some conditioning in the morning and then come back later in the early evening and finish off the day with some weight training.”
While his motivation to work out comes from wanting to feel and look good, he is also using fitness to help him find his purpose in life. “I read a lot of philosophy as it relates to fitness … Socrates said ‘No man has the right to be amateur in the manner of training.’”
Geer applies his readings to his workouts, refusing to be average when it comes to physical fitness.
Last month he completed his first long-distance race, the Twin Cities Marathon in Minneapolis. “I’ve always wanted to do a marathon and so I just entered the race. To help me through it, I did it with a friend … sometimes when we take on new challenges … we just need a little support. We did it in about five hours and it was a great experience.”
Geer said there is nothing wrong with trying new things that will get you to that next step. “You’ll be surprised of the outcome and what you’ll learn about yourself.”
Although he strives to stay on the straight on narrow, he has one weakness, “I eat pizza once a week.”
Geer currently works and lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.